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Nutrition & Dietetics

The licensed dietitians at the Wellbeing Center’s nutrition clinic provide nutrition counseling to help treat and prevent diseases and disorders through dietary changes. Nutrition counseling sessions are individualized to meet your needs and optimize your health.

Our mission is to optimize the quality of life and wellbeing of our customers by offering high quality nutrition services while meeting the needs and expectations of our customers.

Our services include nutrition counseling & education for the following:

  • Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder)
  • Weight Management
  • Diabetes and gestational diabetes
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Hypertension
  • Cholesterol
  • Vegetarian diets
  • Food allergies
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Sports nutrition or eating for exercise
  • Healthy eating & meal planning for general wellness and disease prevention

Knowing that the foods we choose have a great impact on our health and wellbeing, our team of experienced nutrition experts helps you to be all you can be through good nutrition by guiding you to choose food wisely and thus prevent disease onset. Proper nutrition can also reduce the number of medications needed to control many diseases.

The Nutritionists/Dietitians work together with doctors, advanced practice nurses, therapists, and other health care professionals at the Center to provide you with optimal care. Specifically, dietitians work with clients to improve nutrition status, prevent malnutrition in times of Eating Disorders and/or prolonged sickness, or to manage Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, kidney disease, digestive disorders, and many others. 

Lifestyle changes, such as dietary modifications, often require on-going support and guidance. Whenever possible, family members are included in the education plan.

Patient education and lifestyle changes take time. You and the dietitian will be working together over several follow-up appointments to address your medical and nutritional needs.

We often use Hypnotherapy sessions in conjunction with the dietary plan to make lifestyle modifications easier on you and to help you reach your goals easier.

If you have digestive concerns, suspected food sensitivities, migraines, seasonal allergies, or just a sense that something’s not quite right, nutritional counseling is a good place to start. The Center’s Dietitians and Nutritionists are highly capable health detectives.

We order lab tests (Food Sensitivities & Comprehensive Stool Test) and do the NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique). 

For more information or inquiries, pls contact us.  If you’re suffering from a chronic condition, or have tried just about everything else and are at the end of your rope physically, mentally and emotionally, we can give you hope.

We treat patients from under two years old to over eighty, suffering from a range of issues like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, autoimmune, toxic mold, ADD, autism, infertility, and depression to name a few.

Let us help set you on the right path toward education, transformation and lifelong health.