Integrative Psychotherapy
Integrative, holistic psychotherapy utilizes traditional and non-traditional therapies of holistic healing with the purpose of creating an integration of the mind, body and spirit. The idea combines a broad range of different holistic approaches to help the patient reach the deepest level of healing possible.
Services include:
1- Traditional talk psychotherapy (Individual, Couple, Marital, Family, Group)
This approach includes: psychoanalytic/psychodynamic therapy, cognitive/behavioral therapy (CBT), Gestalt therapy, developmental, educational, family systems and humanistic therapies that match the individual needs of every client.
Individual Psychotherapy
Anyone may seek this service, at any time in his/her life, and for any reason. You may be seeking a fresh perspective and an empathetic listener, while others may need support to make major changes in their lives. Whatever the reason, the first step is to make the decision to seek help and contact us. Individual therapy facilitates the exploration and resolution of personal problems and issues, through collaboration between a client and a therapist. The process can take on many forms, depending on the therapist’s approach to therapy and the client's needs. Some therapy may be brief and focused on the present; on changing certain behaviors, while other forms may involve lengthy discussions about the client’s history or past in an effort to understand the root of one’s current concerns. There are many different orientations, or styles of therapy available at the Center. We utilize our own unique mix of approaches and therapeutic techniques. It is important that clients find a therapist that suits their individual needs. The success of the client’s treatment relies heavily on the client’s willingness to be honest, take responsibility, and have courage to make necessary changes.
Couple or Marital Psychotherapy is to help couples resolve problems and conflict in their relationships. The process can help improve the current relationship, rebuild a damaged relationship, or in some cases, therapy can aid in making the difficult decision to end the relationship. Couples’ therapy is appropriate for those who are married, engaged, living together, or dating. All types of intimate relationships benefit from this service. We welcome you; gay or straight, married or not. Depending upon the depth of the issues, couples' counseling is usually short term, from a few sessions to a few months. If there are serious long-term problems that have caused deeper, more painful wounds emotionally; such as domestic violence or infidelity, therapy may be needed for a longer period of time. Both parties may also benefit from individual therapy to resolve their past issues from their own family of origin or negativity lingering from past relationships.
Problems that can be resolved through this service: Save a marriage that has lost its spark, strengthen a good relationship and prevent future problems down the road. In fact, I advise couples to seek pre-commitment sessions to sort out differences and agree upon compromises before they further their commitments to one another. This can be very helpful to prevent problems down the road.
Other common issues:
* Infidelity
* Anger, fighting
* Communication difficulties
* Sexual problems
* Substance abuse (other services may be needed)
* Money and financial disagreements
* Conflict over parenting, disciplining children
* Blended family issues
* Divorce
* Domestic violence (usually requires other services if escalated)
* Life transitions
Please note that sometimes partners might refuse to participate in the sessions. Ideally, couples’ psychotherapy includes both parties. However, if your partner is not willing to attend, individual therapy for yourself could help. You can learn how your behaviors and reactions are affecting the relationship. If your partner sees a positive shift in the relationship, often he or she will be willing to join you at a later date. Making the decision to seek couples’ therapy can be difficult, but ultimately it can be a pleasant and productive experience for both of you. Many couples attribute the success and longevity of their relationships to being open to learning more effective communication skills and new ways to relate to their partner during the therapeutic process.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves all members of a nuclear family or stepfamily and, in some cases, members of the extended family (e.g., grandparents). At Wellbeing Center, you can have family therapy sessions to help you as a family deal with important issues that may interfere with the functioning of your family and home environment.
The goal of family therapy is to help family members improve communication, solve family problems, understand and handle special family situations (death, serious physical or mental illness, or child and adolescent issues, separation or divorce), and create a better functioning home environment.
For families with one member who has a serious physical or mental illness, family therapy can educate families about the illness and work out problems associated with care of the family member. For children and adolescents, family therapy most often is used when the child or adolescent has a personality, anxiety, or mood disorder that impairs their family and social functioning, and when a stepfamily is formed or begins having difficulties adjusting to the new family life. Families with members from a mixture of racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds, as well as families made up of same-sex couples who are raising children, may also benefit from family therapy.
Family therapy involves multiple therapy sessions, usually lasting more than one hour conducted at regular intervals (once weekly) for several months. Typically, family therapy is initiated to address a specific problem. However, frequently, therapy sessions reveal additional problems in the family. In a therapy session, therapists seek to analyze the process of family interaction and communication as a whole and do not take sides with specific family members.
Family therapy is based on family systems theory, in which the family is viewed as a living organism rather than just the sum of its individual members. Family therapy uses systems theory to evaluate family members in terms of their position or role within the system as a whole. Problems are treated by changing the way the system works rather than trying to fix a specific member. Family systems theory is based on several major concepts.
THE IDENTIFIED PATIENT: The identified patient (IP) is the family member with the symptom that has brought the family into treatment. Children and adolescents are frequently the IP in family therapy. The concept of the IP is used by family therapists to keep the family from scapegoating the IP or using him/her as a way of avoiding problems in the rest of the system.
HOMEOSTASIS (BALANCE): Homeostasis means that the family system seeks to maintain its customary organization and functioning over time, and it tends to resist change. The family therapist can use the concept of homeostasis to explain why a certain family symptom has surfaced at a given time, why a specific member has become the IP, and what is likely to happen when the family begins to change.
THE EXTENDED FAMILY FIELD: The extended family field includes the immediate family and the network of grandparents and other relatives of the family. This concept is used to explain the intergenerational transmission of attitudes, problems, behaviors, and other issues. Children and adolescents often benefit from family therapy that includes the extended family.
DIFFERENTIATION: Differentiation refers to the ability of each family member to maintain his/her own sense of self, while remaining emotionally connected to the family. One mark of a healthy family is its capacity to allow members to differentiate, while family members still feel that they are members in good standing of the family.
TRIANGULAR RELATIONSHIPS: Family systems theory maintains that emotional relationships in families are usually triangular. Whenever two members in the family system have problems with each other, they will "triangle in" a third member as a way of stabilizing their own relationship. The triangles in a family system usually interlock in a way that maintains family homeostasis. Common family triangles include a child and his or her parents; two children and one parent; a parent, a child, and a grandparent; three siblings; or, husband, wife, and an in-law.
Please note that individual therapy for one or more family members may be recommended to avoid volatile interaction during a family therapy session. Some families are not considered suitable candidates for family therapy. They include: families in which both or one of the parents is psychotic or has been diagnosed with antisocial or paranoid personality disorder, families whose cultural or religious values are opposed to, or suspicious of psychotherapy, families with members with very rigid personality structures (Here, members might be at risk for an emotional or psychological crisis).
Results vary, but in good circumstances, they include greater insight, increased differentiation of individual family members, improved communication within the family, loosening of previously automatic negative behavior patterns, and resolution of the problem that led the family to seek treatment.
Stepfamilies, which are increasing in prevalence, are excellent candidates for family therapy. Children and adolescents in stepfamilies often have difficulties adjusting, so participating in family therapy can be beneficial. Stepfamilies experience unique pressures within each new family unit.
Children and adolescents and, in some cases even the parents, may be reluctant to participate in family therapy.
We offer you Home-based Family therapy. This is available as an option for families. In home-based therapy, a therapist or if needed, team of therapists come directly to the family's home and conduct therapy sessions there.
Blended family: A family formed by the remarriage of a divorced or widowed parent. It includes the new husband and wife, plus some or all of their children from previous marriages.
Differentiation: The ability to retain one's identity within a family system while maintaining emotional connections with the other members.
Extended family field: A person's family of origin plus grandparents, in-laws, and other relatives.
Family systems theory: An approach to treatment that emphasizes the interdependency of family members rather than focusing on individuals in isolation from the family. This theory underlies the most influential forms of contemporary family therapy.
Genogram: A family tree diagram that represents the names, birth order, sex, and relationships of the members of a family. Therapists use genograms to detect recurrent patterns in the family history and to help the family members understand their problem(s).
Homeostasis: The balanced internal environment of the body and the automatic tendency of the body to maintain this internal "steady state." Also refers to the tendency of a family system to maintain internal stability and to resist change.
Identified patient (IP): The family member in whom the family's symptom has emerged or is most obvious.
Nuclear family: The basic family unit, consisting of a father, a mother, and their biological children.
Stepfamily: A family formed by the marriage or long-term cohabitation of two individuals, where one or both have at least one child from a previous relationship living part-time or full-time in the household. The individual who is not the biological parent of the child or children is referred to as the stepparent.
Triangling: A process in which two family members lower the tension level between them by drawing in a third member.
Group Therapy
In group therapy, approximately 6-12 individuals meet face-to-face with the trained group therapists at the Center. Group therapy is a shared therapeutic experience which includes the presence of others who are working through similar issues. The focus can be on interpersonal relationships or on particular concerns shared by the group members. Group therapy is offered to help people reach a myriad of different therapeutic goals.
Group Therapy Effectiveness
When people come into a group and interact freely with other group members, they usually recreate those difficulties that brought them to group therapy in the first place. Under the direction of the group therapist, the group is able to give support, offer alternatives, and comfort members in such a way that these difficulties become resolved and alternative behaviors are learned.
Groups allow members to develop new ways of relating to people.
During group therapy, people begin to see that they are not alone and that there is hope and help. It is comforting to hear that other people have a similar difficulty, or have already worked through a problem.
Another reason for the success of group therapy is that people feel free to care about each other because of the climate of trust in a group.
The psychological safety of the group will allow the expression of feelings which are often difficult to express outside of group. People might begin to ask for the support they need and be encouraged to tell people what is expected of them.
Types of Groups Available
“Psychoeducational” or “Process-oriented.”
a) Psychoeducational group is focused on providing information about specific topics in order to give additional resources or information. These kinds of groups are generally more structured; members will be provided with specific topics or modules to discuss and explore. The intention is to provide more information about the topic, which is often identified in the name of the group.
b) Process Oriented group is focused on the experience of being in the group, itself, as the healing opportunity. For example, the process of expressing thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the group, “in the here and now” can be the very vehicle by which change is discovered.
When to Consider Group Therapy
People choose to join group therapy to add more to the primary therapy, to give additional support, or as the sole component of healing work. No matter what is addressed in therapy, group therapy allows the opportunity to share healing and experiences with other members. Many attending group therapy report that it's a way to know that they “are not alone” and that there are others, with similar experiences, who are supportive of them.
Group Logistics
What actually happens in each group depends on who attends, what is being discussed, and any specific “modalities” the therapist uses in group. No matter what is addressed, change occurs as the group moves through various stages of development. The relationships, interactions, worked through conflicts and discussions, offer many opportunities for growth, change, and restoration.
The criteria for joining a group depends on the intention of the group, which subject matter is to be addressed, and who would benefit the most from attending. Group guidelines, including confidentiality will likely be shared with all members at the beginning of the group or in an individual meeting with the group leader.
2- Non-traditional therapies including but not limited to Hypnotherapy, Age Regression therapy, Past Life Therapy, Visualization and Guided Imagery, ThetaHealing, Quantum Touch.
Non-traditional therapies are based on a variety of traditions; which tap into different levels of mind-body-spirit healing. These therapies involve energy work.
All therapies have a strong spiritual component, which utilizes different levels of consciousness and spiritual awareness.
This service's goal is to help you raise your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing to a level that exceeds anything you’ve experienced before.
People who receive our care and participate in this particular service:
- Experience less physical pain
- Are more tuned in to what their bodies want and need
- Take less medication, eat better, exercise more, and engage in more spiritual practices
- Are more engaged, present and connected in their relationships
- Feel more energized, inspired and alive
- Are more open, passionate and optimistic about their lives
- Are able to navigate stressful and challenging circumstances more easily
- Are less anxious, irritable and depressed
- Feel more real, authentic and purposeful in their lives
- Are more inspired to contribute their unique talents to help others
You are guided to discover the deeper meaning within your symptoms, inspiring you to transform your behavior and be more authentic, and encouraging you to awaken to your deeper passion and purpose in life.
Our commitment to you is to bring you the very best of what we’re living and learning, so that you can create extraordinary wellbeing.