Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand our own feelings and the feelings of others so we can develop optimal relationships with others and ourselves. EQ is a wide range of skills that children of all ages can develop and improve. These skills are critical for the emotional well-being of the children and their life success. The ability to express a wide range of feelings that children experience on a regular basis -happiness, excitement, sadness, frustration, anger, in a healthy way - will help children flourish and learn from their experiences at every stage of their lives.
How do we assess and develop children's Emotional Intelligence?
First, a well validated assessment tool (SEI-YV) will be administered by a Certified Assessor. This tool which is a self-report assessment provides data about the child's psychosocial development. It also provides an impression on how the child views his/her social and emotional abilities.
After that, the report will be analyzed and discussed with the parents and then with the child in order to link the EQ results to real life and offer tips and suggestions to develop and improve the child's EQ skills.
To learn more about SEI-YV please visit
Who can benefit from Emotional Intelligence assessments?
The assessment tool SEI-YV can be used with children and youth between the ages 7-18. This tool is helpful for all children/youth as it provides a clear description of their emotional intelligence and gives information about how they deal with daily challenges. It also offers suggestions to further develop their Emotional Intelligence skills.
Why is it important to develop children's Emotional Intelligence?
Developing children's Emotional Intelligence is very crucial as it allows children to become all they can be. By developing children's Emotional Intelligence, they will learn how to:
- Name their feelings.
- Distinguish between behaviors and emotions.
- Manage their emotions in a healthy way.
- Develop an understanding of different emotional states and how these affect others as well as oneself.
- Become more reflective to think about one's own feelings and behaviors and how it affects them as individuals and as members of a group.
- Show more empathy to the feelings of others.