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Good Morning Dr Myrna

Just want to say I feel so different

And I really appreciated our session yesterday

And the work

You are a magician 

Well much more than that

But just wanted to express my gratitude.

K. M.

I feel very light and bright, hopeful, joyful and excited! Energetic and smiling dancing in the house already:)

C - Istanbul

Being a Covid 19 nurse and an employee in a hospital is very stressful during this pandemic. However, having a supportive system and pure hearts like Dr. Myrna takes care of your mental health and replaces stress with energy for another day. 
Thank you 
Appreciate this from the bottom of my heart 
R. H.

You have no idea how much I’ve been reflecting since our session and understanding myself and appreciating myself in ways I didn’t know existed.
I’m amazed at my childhood wisdom, and so thankful that, thanks to you Dr Myrna and with you, I can connect to her and assure her; so that I can fully embrace and be in my adult brain now, no longer needing to feed or seek the child in me or protect her.
S. Z.

I hope all is well
I just wanted to thank Dr Myrna for guiding me into becoming the person I am today. I couldn’t have done this without her ❤

L. B.H.

When you hear the word hypnotherapy what do you think of?
For me, after experiencing it, it is clarity or "صفاء". It is the ability to know yourself better and understand the reasons behind you thoughts, feelings and actions. Who doesn't want to discover that?
We take care of our apperances, our physical health, and the people we love. When did we stop to love ourselves more? When did we stop to listen to our brain and talk to our inner self?
Today I stopped to do that. It feels refreshing. My mind is clear.
Today, I love myself more.
Thank you Dr Myrna for guiding me through this great positive experience

R. H.

You are amazing.

i am so happy i met you!

i m so spositive

i dont know what u did to me

but i love you for that!!

J. K.

Dear Myrna. You are so beautiful with all your pictures and words on fb. I just wanted to let you know that I am independent now hamdillah. I have my own job and earn my own money, and raising my children with peace of mind and with God's grace. I am very grateful to a lot of people that were all my support network in the difficult times that led me to  being the person I am today. One of these people is you. For that I thank you and I wanted to acknowledge that the work that you do is so important because it guides us and shows us the light at the end of the tunnel, and it gives us hope and wants us to persevere in a time of weakness when we dont realll think that we want to. For those things I say thank you. May you have continued good health and happiness ❤❤


You guys, remember when i got sick in Lebanon, we'll let me describe the magical part of this experience.

Imagine me sick in the back of an Uber, Feeling weak lost and vulnerable, in tears shaking like a scared little girl, and in comes this mystery women the next Uber ride (which happened by accident because i couldn't find my friends house we stopped 2 blocks away next to the nearest known location and kept going in circles lost).

So anyway this lady walks in my Uber, assists me, helps me find the house, calms me down like the universe sent me a healer in the time i needed it the most.

Like is there a bigger sign that we are all being watched and looked after.

Dr. Myrna i'm lucky you fell into my lap!

R. K.

I see your posts each day, very good and high quality.

They make me aware, i should look after my own mental health.

How are you doing over there?

Dr. J.P

Dear Myrna Saadeh thank you so much for the work you , your dedication to educate with accessible and practical approaches is empowering.

I totally agree with you..concerning divorce one must move beyond shame, blame, anger, and instead focus on growth, integrity(concerning finances too) and a peaceful re-organisation of the family unit,..this can only happen when one understands the real value of mental health and morals.

The work you offer, the pioneering work, if i might add can offer guidance and clarity to a happier divorce..or stronger union..i have to apologise because i do not read arabic so this was my understanding!

A deep bow of gratitude to all you do Myrna ..this work will echo for centuries to come.

M. B.

في حقيقة الأمر الطلاق أو الزواج حالة اجتماعية محض تؤدي إلى حالة عاطفية بائسة اذا لا يوجد الوعي الكافي للتعامل مع الآخر. و الحالة العاطفية تؤدي إلى أمراض عديدة اذا لم يتم علاجها من الداخل اولا. و تبقى الأهمية للإنسان و مسؤوليته تجاه نفسه و جسده للحفاظ عليهما. و عن تجربة ما حصلت عليه بمساعدة د. ميرنا حالة وعي لطيفة تلامس قوة العقل و القلب بتواصل متزن تنير درب الحياة الحقيقية. و يبقى الزواج أو الطلاق أو أي حالة يمر بها الإنسان أو تجربة يعيشها على الارض قرار يأخذه بوعي و بتبقل كامل نتائجه من أجل التطور الداخلي. فليتصالح الإنسان مع نفسه اولا و القرار يأتي تلقائيا... مع محبتي للجميع و تمنياتي لهم بالنور و المحبة و السلام 

R. H.

For me, Dr. Myrna is my new chapter!

M. K.

Dr Myrna is consistent and committed to positivity which is lacking today in everyone and everyone needs it

W. K.

Life changing course, very refreshing and soul nourishing.
3 days of Revival!
R. H.

Keep moving and growing!

M. E.B.

Very intersting course!

L. D.

The journey of my life has just begin. 
Looking forward to have more advanced courses to be more enlightened and share my experiences with pepole that are searching for themselves and for their souls!
S. A.B.

Great Course preparation for a perfect future! 
L. A.

I feel like a different person and I changed into a very positive person full of life.

I coudn't have done it without Dr. Myrna, specially in such little time.

I am so gratefull for being envolved in this therapy.

L. B.H