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Integrative Psychiatry

"I use all aspects of care to help my clients achieve a state of wellbeing they're comfortable with." Myrna Saadeh

The mental health specialists and physicians at Wellbeing Center oversee a wide array of behavioral health services for children, adolescents, adults and geriatrics. We provide cutting-edge, personalized programs and compassionate care for all types of psychiatric conditions and mental health disorders.

Integrative or Holistic psychiatry and psychotherapy are holistic approaches that use evidence-based complementary medical therapies to prevent and/or assist in the management of disease to create optimal health. An integrative approach can also be used along with traditional psychiatry. 

"I passionately work with my clients from a holistic perspective, using an integrative model to psychiatry," says Myrna. The care that is provided is client-centered and in-depth, blending mind-body practices, and supplements alone or in combination with psychiatric medications, if they are prescribed.

Hence, the approach is not limited to pharmacology. A complementary approach is no longer separate from Western medicine, this is the newest understanding; whereby, we incorporate research-based herbs, supplements and lifestyle practices. This is the power and uniqueness of our service.  

The evidence keeps on mounting; complementary and alternative approaches can offer psychiatric benefits where pharmacology can't.

It is well-known to everyone that psychiatry focus is diagnosing and treating mental health symptoms and disorders. Although there is a broad range of conditions that fall under the treatment umbrella of psychiatry, all of these manifest with symptoms related to maladaptive, unusual, or otherwise negative behaviors. The field of psychiatry has been scrutinized for excessive reliance on prescription medication in the treatment of mental health conditions. Although many patients are best served by a combination of medication and psychotherapy, some require only therapy and others need medication in addition to even more significant interventions for biologically based disease. Increasingly, psychiatrists and patients are recognizing the need for other therapies to complement their treatment with the goal of augmenting the effects of other treatments, improving patients' lives, and/or reducing side effects from medications.

To learn more about complementary and alternative treatments for specific conditions, please check the rest of our services or contact us. 

Furthermore, there's a growing evidence that addressing spirituality in mental health consultations is very important. Each client has a spiritual side, and we reach that in our sessions through meditation, thetahealing, and mindfulness-based stress reduction among others. Likewise, we help change a person's relationship to thoughts and beliefs through acceptance and an enhanced sense of discipline and commitment to self  as well as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). We also recognize the immense therapeutic value of nutrition and exercise; the research is very strong that movement has anti-depressive and anxiolytic properties. In addition, we know that food can be potent medicine.

Our services empower clients with tools they can use on their own - wherever they are, whenever they need. They can provide people with effective alternatives to medication, something sorely desired by many.

"The majority of clients I see have been traumatized by medication over the years. Not only because of damaging side effects, but because of medication's negative symbolic meaning: 'You're sick.' Their aversion is so strong, they don't even want to take an over-the-counter sleeping pill."

Beneficial natural remedies

According to our holistic assessment, we may use a combination of herbs, vitamins and minerals, and OTC supplements to help support  recovery. These "natural medicines," taken in the form of tea, liquid or capsules, fall into two categories. Foundational supplements "lay the groundwork for all other medications to work better." Some have strong antioxidant properties that help prevent cellular damage. Others, like omega acids, help the body and nervous system function better

Please note that these remedies must be regarded as often-potent "natural medications," and should only be started after checking with a medical doctor for potential interactions with psychiatric medications. Always be mindful of "drug-herb" interactions and consult with us before starting any type of medications.

When blended with traditional psychiatry, complementary and alternative therapies can be valuable tools for clients for whom pharmacological treatment is producing more harm than good in the psychosocial areas of self-image, social identity, and interpersonal relationships with others.  It is worthy to add that healing from psychosocial injury is crucial and affects psychiatric symptoms. In this context, self-empowering, non-pharmacological approaches can help keep a client moving forward on the road to recovery while avoiding additional damage from medication.

The list below has been summarized from current diagnostic criteria most commonly used in the United States by mental health professionals (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). We have divided the disorders into three broad categories below: Adult, Childhood, and Personality Disorders; some disorders may fall under more than one category.


Alcohol / Substance Abuse

Alcohol / Substance Dependence

Anxiety Disorders
Adult Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD)
Bipolar Disorder
Major Depressive Episode
Hypomanic Episode
Manic Episode
Mixed Specifier (Formerly Mixed Episode)
Eating Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Social Anxiety Phobia
Dissociative Disorders
Depersonalization Disorder
Dissociative Amnesia
Dissociative Fugue
Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD)
Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)
Feeding & Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
Sexual & Paraphilic Disorders
Rumination Disorder
Selective Mutism
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
Tourette's Disorder
Transient Tic Disorder


These disorders typically aren't diagnosed until an individual is a young adult, often not until their 20's or even 30's. Most individuals with personality disorders lead pretty normal lives and often only seek psychotherapeutic treatment during times of increased stress or social demands. Most people can relate to some or all of the personality traits listed; the difference is that it does not affect most people's daily functioning to the same degree it might someone diagnosed with one of these disorders. Personality disorders tend to be an integral part of a person, and therefore, are difficult to treat or "cure".

Antisocial Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Other Mental Disorders

Acute Stress Disorder
Adjustment Disorder
Alzheimer's Disease
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Cyclothymic Disorder
Delusional Disorder
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Dysthymic Disorder
Gender Dysphoria
Hoarding Disorder
Hypochondriasis (Illness Anxiety)
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Major Neurocognitive Disorder
Minor Neurocognitive Disorder
Pain Disorder
Panic Attack
Parkinson's Disease
Pathological Gambling
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Unspecified Psychotic Disorder
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Schizoaffective Disorder
Schizophreniform Disorder
Shared Psychotic Disorder (Delusional Symptoms in Partner)
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Specific Phobia

These disorder lists are in the process of being updated to reflect the changes from the latest edition of the diagnosis manual, the DSM-5. Please keep in mind that only an experienced mental health professional can make an actual diagnosis.

Disclaimers & Use Restrictions:

This listing is for personal use in education or research only. This listing is not meant to replace professional advice, diagnosis, or care from a licensed mental health practitioner at Wellbeing Center; its sole intent is for patient education. If you believe you may be suffering from one of these disorders, please consult with the mental health professionals at the Center.
The lists were summarized from the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disoders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).