Tips to Help You Mentally Prepare For #Bariatric #Surgery
You may need to tackle a few issues to make sure you’re mentally prepared for surgery.
1. Start with realistic expectations
You won’t wake up thin after bariatric surgery. In fact, you may leave the hospital weighing more because of accumulated fluid. Keep in mind that your surgery is not the immediate answer to weight loss, rather, it’s an internal tool — in the form of a smaller stomach — that will help you on your weight-loss journey.
You can expect to take at least six months to lose half of your excess weight. Then you may hit a plateau. It will likely take another year for you to achieve your weight loss goal.
Know that your weight loss will be a journey that will take some time and effort. Having a clear idea of the process ahead can help you stay on track and not give up.
2. Don’t try to go do it alone
If you are thinking about surgery, it’s important to have support.
Our Mental Health Specialist supports you by helping you set long-term goals. Our Nutritionist monitors and guides your weight-loss milestones and helps you stay motivated.
3. Recognize and confront a #food #addiction
If you have a food addiction, you’ll need to address that before surgery. Having a smaller stomach through bariatric surgery is not going to fill the emotional needs that eating meets.
Many people use food to deal with daily #stress. However, this is a short-term way to manage your problems — and creates further issues down the road. Knowing this and broadening your perspective may help you to realize the value of limiting your consumption and making healthier food choices.
You have to be at the point where you want to change, feel better and have other activities take the place of eating. For many it takes a desire to focus on the longer term goals for their lives rather than the food they are eating at the next meal. Others are motivated by the daily pain and illness that often accompanies excess weight.
Learning to manage food is imperative after surgery to maintain weight loss because:
Your food intake will be sharply restricted, particularly for the first few months.
You have to eat slowly — a small meal should take at least 20 minutes to consume.
A healthy diet is imperative —
4. Depression may be an issue for you
Bariatric surgery is about 80 percent effective, but it takes time and focus to keep weight off. It is important that your emotional energy is working to support your efforts.
After surgery, your body is recovering and eating is physically restricted. If you suffer from #depression, it’s even harder to stay on track, particularly if you struggle with food addiction.
Work with us to develop and maintain a positive attitude about the process.
5. Understand the risks of other addictions
#Alcohol and #tobacco addictions also can undermine your efforts to lose weight — with or without surgery.
Alcohol is high in calories and reduces your inhibitions, which makes you more susceptible to overeating. You also will feel its intoxicating effects more quickly after surgery.
Tobacco use increases the risk of surgical complications, respiratory problems and ulcers — patients who return to smoking after surgery can develop a post-surgical stomach irritation or ulcer.
Bariatric surgery can change your life for the better and is a powerful tool that can provide sustained relief for overweight people.
The benefits of sustained weight loss through bariatric surgery can include:
Long-term remission for type 2 diabetes
Improved cardiovascular health
Relief from depression
Elimination of obstructive sleep apnea
Relief from joint pain
Improved fertility
Alleviation of other medical conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, pregnancy complications, gallbladder disease and more
But bariatric surgery is the beginning — rather than the end — of your weight-loss journey, so you’ll still have plenty of work ahead of you.
Consult with the Bariatric Surgeon, Endocrinologist, Mental Health Specialist, & Nutritionist at Wellbeing Center. We formulate your personalized care plan!