News Archive
May, 2018
Physician from India
The current health and ecological crisis is not are in our global society are likely to increase in the years to come as unhealthy lifestyles are proliferating throughout the world. The best solution, perhaps, is returning to traditional natural healing systems and readjusting our lives, restoring…
May, 2018
Newly Certified Hypnotherapists Graduation Dinner!
On the 20th of May 2018, we celebrated the completion of the Hypnotherapy Course. Congratulations to Dr Sarah Zbeidy, Dr. Antoine Karam, and Ms. Sabine Shoureiky .You are now Officially Hypnotherapists! You are now members in the oldest School of Hypnosis in the World, NGH! And members in the Wellbeing Learning Center Community!!!
May, 2018
Congratulations ThetaHealing Basic DNA Practitioners
There is a need for a movement towards pro-consciousness medicine.. In the workshops that I facilitate, students including medical students, medical doctors, nurses, psychologists, fitness experts explore how to rehumanize medicine, they learn how to meditate, how to protect their energy from the energy of sickness, how to maximize their focus, productivity and their sense of contentment and…
May, 2018
The Heart Failure Community
I highlighted that being diagnosed with heart failure may cause depression, & anxiety, discussed stress as a risk factor, demonstrated the head-heart connection and the importance of soft #belly