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The importance of acid folic for pregnancy

What is acid folic?

Vitamin B9 is a water-soluble vitamin essential for cell multiplication and the production of genetic material (including DNA). It is involved in the production of red and white blood cells, the renewal of the skin and the wall of the intestine, as well as in the synthesis of chemicals that modulate the functioning of the brain.

The acid folic for pregnancy is very important; it plays a major role in the formation of the nervous system of the embryo.


The benefits of acid folic for pregnancy

  1. The benefits of acid folic on fertility

Acid folic is a valuable vitamin for all people of childbearing age. It plays an important role in fertility in both women and men:


In women:

Adding micronutrients to the diet, including acid folic, could greatly increase the chances of getting pregnant by helping everyone to progress smoothly. Menstrual cycles and ovulation. Vitamin B9 could even act as a remedy for female infertility.


In men:

Acid folic plays a significant role in spermatogenesis. It would affect the quality and quantity of sperm. Zinc and vitamin B9 supplements may increase the concentration of sperm that can fertilize the egg.


The benefits of acid folic during pregnancy

- Taking acid folic during pregnancy, especially in the second trimester of pregnancy, protects and reduces the risk of premature birth, miscarriage, and other complications of pregnancy, such as heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer and Alzheimer's.

- Protecting the fetus from birth defects. Failure to take the appropriate dose of acid folic during pregnancy can cause serious problems to the fetus because the neural tube, as a result, may not form properly. This results in so-called neural tube defects, including the incomplete growth of the spinal cord or vertebrae, and the incomplete growth of major parts of the brain of the fetus.

- Prevent anemia.

- Preventing pregnant women from getting nervous and depressed.


The importance of acid folic after pregnancy

Acid folic is not limited to a pregnant woman only; it is also recommended after childbirth and during the breastfeeding period. So that the woman can make up for what she lost during the childbirth period.


Foods that contain the acid folic

Vitamin B9 cannot be synthesized by the human body and must, therefore, be provided by food.

It is present in:

  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Dark green vegetables: spinach, chard, watercress, butter beans, asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli, romaine lettuce, etc.
  • Legumes: lentils (oranges, green, black), dried beans, beans, peas (split, chick, whole).
  • Orange-colored fruits: oranges, clementines, mandarins, melon


Recommendation: consume legumes at least every 2-3 days and try to choose the greenest vegetables possible!