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The 6 Best Bedtime Teas That Help You Sleep

Unfortunately, about 30% of people suffer from insomnia, or the chronic inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or achieve restorative, high-quality sleep.

Herbal teas are popular beverage choices when it comes time to relax and unwind.

Let’s explore 6 of the best bedtime teas for catching some z’s.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile is commonly regarded as a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer. Its calming effects may be attributed to an antioxidant called apigenin, which is found in abundance in chamomile tea. Apigenin binds to specific receptors in your brain that may decrease anxiety and initiate sleep.

2. Valerian root

Valerian is an herb that has been used to treat problems like insomnia, nervousness, and headaches. 

Valerian root may increase sleepiness by increasing levels of a neurotransmitter called GABA. It may improve overall sleep quality by shortening the time it takes to fall asleep and decreasing nighttime awakenings.

3. Lavender

Lavender is an herb often touted for its aromatic and soothing scent. It is best known for its relaxing aroma. Many people drink lavender tea to relax, settle their nerves, and aid sleep.

4. Lemon balm

Lemon balm belongs to the mint family. It is an aromatic herb that increases GABA levels in the brains of mice, thus initiating sedation. Drinking lemon balm tea may decrease insomnia-related symptoms.

5. Passionflower

Passionflower tea is made from the dried leaves, flowers, and stems of the Passiflora plant.

Drinking passionflower tea may improve overall sleep quality. In conjunction with valerian root and hops, it may reduce symptoms of insomnia.

6. Magnolia bark

Magnolia tea is made mostly from the bark of the plant but also consists of some dried buds and stems. It was used to alleviate various symptoms, including abdominal discomfort, nasal congestion, and stress. It’s now regarded worldwide for its anti-anxiety and sedative effects.

Magnolia bark tea has been shown to decrease the time it takes to fall asleep and increase the amount of overall sleep by modifying GABA receptors in the brain. 


Many herbal teas, including chamomile, valerian root, and lavender, are marketed as sleep aids. They help you fall asleep faster, decrease nighttime awakenings, and improve your overall sleep quality.