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Feeling insecure

Common areas of insecurity are in body image, relationships, personal capabilities and future/provision

Tips for Overcoming Insecurity

1. Don’t judge yourself

Feeling insecure is hard enough, and beating yourself up for having those emotions in the first place won’t do you any good. Accept the fact that you feel insecure about something, and focus instead on doing the work to shift it. A little self-love can really go a long way.

2. Be your own BFF

Say things to yourself that your BFF (or anyone else who really loves you) would say to you when you’re majorly doubting yourself. For example, if you’re applying for a new job, instead of telling yourself that you’ll never get it or you don’t have enough experience, etc., think of what your best friend would say to you to encourage you. (Examples: You’re amazing. You’re more than qualified. You should definitely apply.) Basically, gas yourself up because you deserve it.

3. Focus on the baby steps

Overcoming insecurity is a journey, and it doesn’t happen overnight. So take that pressure off yourself. You can start making progress by simply taking little steps to build up your confidence and push yourself out of your comfort zone in ways where the stakes aren’t so high. If social insecurities are your struggle, begin by just saying hello to someone new or talking to just one person at a party. It’s those small steps that eventually give you the confidence to do the bigger, scarier things.

4. Cut out the people who make you feel less than

Notice who feeds your insecurity and who champions you. So, if you have a friend who’s always bringing you down, it might be time to distance yourself from them. When you need advice and support go to the people who always cheer you on and genuinely want to see you win.

5. Pay attention to your body language

Insecurity can also manifest itself in physical ways, such as standing or sitting in a scrunched-up manner. When a person assumes this kind of position, it sends a message to others. It’s almost like they don’t want to be seen. They’re subconsciously trying to be small, and might not even be aware of it. Simply sitting and standing tall and strong can make you feel more confident because physicality can inform mentality.

6. Tap on it

Emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping, is a powerful tool for busting through insecurityThe healing modality helps reprogram limiting beliefs that make you feel stuck by literally tapping on meridian points on your face and body.


7. Celebrate your wins

When you do overcome an insecurity, make sure you acknowledge it. Whether you spoke up at work or expressed your truth to someone, make sure you celebrate even the smallest of things you’ve done to step into your power and totally crush insecurity. This creates momentum and elevates your confidence like crazy.

8. Toot your own horn

When you’re knee deep in a puddle of insecurity, it’s easy to forget how truly awesome you are, which is why it is recommended keeping a list handy of all the compliments you’ve ever received from people. It’s really helpful to take stock of the things that you’re good at and the qualities you have. Really spend some time focusing on what makes you so damn special and keep those high-vibe thoughts at the forefront of your mind.

9. Change your story

Those repetitive negative thoughts that are constantly playing on a loop in your mind? Put a stop to them, stat. Change the story that you’re telling yourself. Often, that inner critical voice, is not even our own. Maybe it’s something we heard from society or our parents when we were growing up. Being aware of our thoughts, regardless of where they originated, is the first step toward detaching from them and creating space to tell ourselves a new, more empowering story.