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Wellness: 6 tips for taking care of yourself during this stressful time

Self-care is crucial for managing these negative emotions and being resilient.


Here are six tips based on the science of learning to help you get through this:

1. Look after your physical and mental well-being

If possible, continue your current self-care practices since it is easier to stick to existing habits. However, many of us will have to alter or discover new ones.

Take care of your body by eating healthy, well-balanced meals, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of sleep.

Work up a sweat with at-home exercise activities, or hit the pavement for a walk or run outside.

Practice relaxation strategies such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation. 

Make time for appropriate activities that bring you happiness and joy. These might include cooking, listening to music, taking a warm bath, crafting, reading, or watching TV or movies.


2.   Create structure and a schedule

Develop a schedule and try to stick to your routine. You can start with activities that support good eating and sleep habits, and fill in with both fun and necessary activities. Scheduling in regular opportunities for self-care can help you stick to those plans.


3. Be a smart media consumer

It is important to find a balance regarding media consumption. With situations changing quickly in a crisis, it is useful to follow the news in order to keep up-to-date. On the other hand, repeatedly viewing (often negative) news stories can increase stress and anxiety.

Consider taking breaks from viewing the news, or schedule specific times to check the news. It can also be helpful to limit your media consumption to a few, trusted sites, which can help keep you from hearing the same information repeatedly.


4. Practice empathy

We are in many ways overwhelmed with information and recommendations and it can be easy to fall into the trap of judging others for their choices. But many are having to weigh financial concerns with public health and personal safety, and making difficult decisions.

Hanging on to judgment and anger at others can be counterproductive. It can cause your personal stress levels to elevate and can break down the social bonds that are so important to weathering crises. Try to practice empathy by considering the perspectives of others. Understanding why someone has made a different decision from you can help you be more compassionate. Loving and kindness meditation can also support compassion and empathy. This type of meditation involves mentally sending kindness and goodwill to others.


5. Seek additional help when needed

During times such as these, it is completely normal to experience elevated levels of stress along with other negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, anger, and frustration. If these persist or worsen and begin to cause significant distress or dysfunction, you can seek our help.

More specific warning signs include:

-          Persistent anxiety, worry, insomnia, or irritability.

-          Withdrawing from appropriate social contact.

-          Persistently checking for symptoms or seeking reassurance about one’s health.

-          Abusing alcohol or drugs.

-          Experience of suicidal thoughts or actions.


Do the best you can and be kind to yourself and others!