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The Benefits of Earthing: Grounding and Centering Essentials

To begin with, human beings are electrical beings. Our heart rate, breathing and nervous system all operate on certain frequencies. On our most basic atomic level, we are space and atoms, whirring fast enough and combining in ways to appear solid. If you have ever plugged in something that was electrical but not grounded, you will understand immediately why this is an important fact. The earth itself is like a giant battery keeping things like plants, animals, and most other matter grounded in a very subtle way. When we are grounded as human beings, we feel better, stronger, more connected, and less stressed.


Earthing is a simple process of actually making a physical connection to the earth. This can be in the form of gardening, swimming in natural water formations, rock-climbing, even, simply walking barefoot on dirt, grass or forest floors.

Our modern lives have taken us further and further from our natural state not just by paving over everything, but also in the processed chemicals in our food, the stray electricity flying around us, disconnecting us by wearing shoes, living and working in high rise buildings; the list could go on for pages.  Being bioelectrical creatures, this disconnection creates an increase in illnesses, especially auto-immune diseases. You go to the doctor searching for answers, so many diseases with no apparent cause and they prescribe medications that makes you feel worse, in terms of side effects like fatigue, weight gain, disruption of your natural rhythms. The good news is that many of these issues can be solved through increasing our connection to the earth. That is why when you begin to try alternative options such as yoga and meditation, it helps ground your mind.

Studies have found that connection to the earth leads to decreased levels of inflammation and pain, reduced stress levels, and improved circulation.

So, making a physical connection to the earth is important but, it’s important to note, that there are ways of mentally and spiritually connecting that are equally as important.  Yoga and meditation are mentioned as a way to stay “centered”.  What does that mean, in terms of mental well-being? Being centered is a way of staying in the present moment. When you focus on what you are doing right now and only right now, not only you are being fully present in your own lives, but it allows you to see that both the past and future only exist in your minds.

Spiritually speaking, centering and grounding is essential for maintaining the mindset necessary to do magic, use your psychic abilities or work with energy metaphysically in any way. 


Centering is the act of gathering oneself together, keeping oriented in the present moment and connecting with your essential self. Grounding is the act of rooting yourselves in the earth’s energy for the purpose of raising energy, working with it in a safe manner and releasing it back into the earth.  

There are many exercises to help with both centering and grounding. When done properly, they help you immensely to stay both cleansed and shielded.  One of the most basic ways to stay centered is mindful breathing.  This is simply sitting, closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. As you inhale, you focus on the feeling of the air coming in through my nostrils and then focus on the feeling of breathing out of your mouth. You breathe deep from your diaphragm and feel the breath filling and oxygenating your blood as it is taken in and out.  You would be really surprised at how practicing this for just a few minutes can bring you back to center.