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Chronic Abdominal Pain

AThe abdomen is an anatomical area, bounded by the lower margin of the ribs above, the pelvic bone (pubic ramus) below and the flanks on each side.

The term ‘abdominal pain’ is also generally used to refer to the pain that originates from organs within the abdominal cavity (from beneath skin and muscles), including the stomach, small intestine, colon, liver gallbladder and pancreas.

A pain in abdomen is termed as ‘chronic abdominal pain’ if it lasts for more than 6 months.


Subcategories of Pain

Pain in the abdomen can be further classified in to various subcategories, including:

•             Stomach cramps

•             Stomach ache

•             Heartburn

•             Liver pain

•             Acute abdominal pain


Key Symptoms

A series of symptoms indicate that the abdominal pain is chronic in nature. Here we list the few main symptoms of chronic abdominal pain:

•             Pain that becomes worse with eating

•             Pressure in the abdomen when you lie down at night

•             Pain relief after having antacids

•             Sharp pangs of pain brought on by greasy or fatty foods

•             Repetitive and alternate episodes of loose and hard bowel movements

•             Diarrhea-like bowel movements mixed with mucus and blood

•             Recurrent bouts of pain with fever

•             Loss of appetite


Causative Factors

Chronic abdominal pain is most commonly caused by a series of gastrointestinal causes. Here we list a few main ones amongst these causes:

•             Loss of appetite

•             Peptic ulcers

•             Chronic pancreatitis

•             Gastroesophageal reflux disease

•             Dyspepsia

•             Gallbladder disease

•             Irritable bowel syndrome

•             Inflammatory bowel disease

However, chronic abdominal pain also might be the result of certain uncommon and rare causes, often difficult to diagnose. These include:

•             Abdominal wall pain

•             Fibromyalgia (Myofacial Pain Syndrome)

•             Painful rib syndrome

•             Posttraumatic pain

•             Hernia

•             Thoracic disk herniation

•             Spinal-muscle or vertebral-body disorder

•             Metabolic disease

•             Psychological disorder


Integrative Treatment Strategy

The aim of a treatment plan for chronic abdominal pain is to help gain control over the symptoms and improve daily life efficiency.

Fortunately, holistic and integrative therapies offer a wealth of traditional and evidence-based, non-invasive options for dealing with abdominal chronic pain. At Wellbeing Center Middle East, we work with you to develop a personalized plan to reduce or eliminate your pain, employing such therapies as acupuncture, hypnotherapy, guided imagery, and more, so you can get back to work and enjoying the things you love.