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What Is Well-Being?

Here are the skills you need. 


Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, and a sense of meaning or purpose. More generally, well-being is just feeling well 


Well-being is something sought by just about everyone, because it includes so many positive things — feeling happy, healthy, socially connected, and purposeful. Unfortunately, well-being appears to be in decline, at least in the U.S. And increasing your well-being can be tough without knowing what to do and how to do it. These are some of the reasons why I founded WELLBEING CENTER — 

But increasing your well-being is not always easy: Figuring out what parts of well-being are most important for you and figuring out how, exactly, to build well-being skills usually require some extra help. How Long Does It Take to Improve Well-Being? Usually when people start consistently using science-based techniques for enhancing well-being, they begin to feel better pretty quickly. In the studies I've conducted and read, most people show significant improvements within five weeks. But you have to stick to it. If you are feeling better after five weeks, you can't just stop there. Why? Well, you probably already know that if you stop eating healthy and go back to eating junk food, then you'll end up back where you started. It turns out that the exact same thing is true for different types of well-being. If you want to maintain the benefits you gain, you'll have to continue to engage in well-being-boosting practices to maintain your skills. So it's really helpful to have strategies and tools that help you stick to your well-being goals — for example, a happiness and well-being plan or a well-being boosting activity collection that you can continue to use throughout your life. 


Here's what you need to know: Where Does Well-Being Come From? Well-being emerges from your thoughts, actions, and experiences — most of which you have control over. For example, when we think positive, we tend to have greater emotional well-being. When we pursue meaningful relationships, we tend to have better social well-being. And when we lose our job — or just hate it — we tend to have lower workplace well-being. These examples start to reveal how broad well-being is, and how many different types of well-being there are. Because well-being is such a broad experience, let's break it down into its different types.  


5 Major Types of Well-Being Emotional Well-Being. The ability to practice stress-management techniques, be resilient, and generate the emotions that lead to good feelings. 


Physical Well-Being. The ability to improve the functioning of your body through healthy eating and good exercise habits. 

Social Well-Being. The ability to communicate, develop meaningful relationships with others, and maintain a support network that helps you overcome loneliness. 

Workplace Well-Being. The ability to pursue your interests, values, and purpose in order to gain meaning, happiness, and enrichment professionally. 

Societal Well-Being. The ability to actively participate in a thriving community, culture, and environment. 


To build your overall well-being, you have to make sure all of these types are functioning to an extent. Think of it like this: Imagine you are in a car. Your engine works great, and maybe your transmission works pretty well, too, but your brakes don't work. Because your brakes don't work, it doesn't really matter how well your engine works; you're still going to have trouble going about your life.  The same is true for your well-being. If everything else in your life is going great, but you feel lonely, or you're eating unhealthfully, other areas of your life will be affected, and you likely won't feel as well as you want to. Because each part of well-being is important to your overall sense of well-being, let's talk about how to build each type of well-being: 


Emotional Well-Being. To develop emotional well-being, we need to build emotional skills — skills like positive thinking, emotion regulation, and mindfulness, for example. Often, we need to build a variety of these skills to cope with the wide variety of situations we encounter in our lives. When we have built these emotional well-being skills, we can better cope with stress, handle our emotions in the face of challenges, and quickly recover from disappointments. As a result, we can enjoy our lives a bit more and pursue our goals a bit more effectively.